Programs for Consumers
a consumer living in Colorado, there are programs to help you in making your
home more energy efficient or helping you pay for those high energy bills.
Check out the programs offered by various organization with a presence in
Colorado. If the program has more information available on a web site, you
can click on the program title and jump to the program's web site.
Building America
U.S. Department of Energy
This program assists production home builders with reworking how they build
houses to improve the energy efficiency 30+% while trying not to add any
additional cost to the home.
Contact: Doug Seiter, 303.275.4810
Building Energy
Codes Program
U.S. Department of
The Building Codes Assistance Team (BCAT) is a partnership effort of the Office
of Codes and Standards and six regional support offices, with assistance and
support from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
Contact: Doug Seiter, 303.275.4810
Boulder County
The EnergySmart team in Boulder County includes a diverse group of dedicated and
passionate staff from the following organizations. We are proud to work together
for energy efficiency and our improved energy future.
Boulder County was awarded $25 million in seed funding from the
Department of Energy's
BetterBuildings Program. This funding is derived from the American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) to expand energy efficiency services to Boulder
County residents and businesses.
Income-Based Energy Efficiency Services
Colorado Governor's Energy Office
The Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) offers the Income-Based Energy Efficiency
Services Programs to improve the energy efficiency of all residential
structures throughout Colorado. Throughout much of the housing market,
energy consumers respond positively to price signals and incentives, making
cost-effective investments in energy efficiency.
Contact: 1-866-HEAT-HELP (1-866-432-8435)
Assistance Program
U.S. Department of
Provides financial assistance to local agencies through the states and
territories for the weatherization of low-income households.
Contact: Rob Desoto, 303.275.4843