Press Release
May 11, 2016
EnergyLogic Signs with Cornerstone Partner, The Energy Conservatory, to Put “Game of Homes” into Play
May 11, 2016, DENVER, Colo. – EnergyLogic welcomes The Energy Conservatory (TEC) as its cornerstone partner in the introduction of Game of Homes, EnergyLogic’s new, free gamification-based training platform for home performance professionals. As the first Game of Homes sponsor, TEC enjoys early marketing rights to pioneer players – exposing them to TEC’s specialized tools for creating more efficient, affordable and healthy buildings. In playing the game, home energy professionals gain valuable continuing education units (CEUs). Gary Nelson, president of TEC, recognizes the value of Game of Homes for advancing the home performance industry. “We’re in alignment with EnergyLogic’s approach to training and growing the quality and caliber of professionals who work in this industry,” he said. “Putting training into a gaming package makes perfect sense to us. It is clearly working as a fun and effective way to get pros the development skills they need.” Game of Homes takes a departure from traditional classroom and online training courses by applying gaming designs and concepts to learning scenarios that are interactive, engaging and entertaining. The scenarios are complex and challenging, and test and train good decision making. In playing the game, building pros gain valuable professional development with CEUs, which they can apply toward the Residential Energy Services Network (RESNET) and the Building Performance Institute (BPI). Game of Homes is geared to reach the approximately 35,000 home performance professionals in the U.S., as well as more than 100,000 home inspectors. “Game of Homes offers users a fresh approach to the ‘death-by-PowerPoint’ training that plagues our industry,” said Matt Thornberry, training and education manager for EnergyLogic. “We believe that excellent training is critical to the success of the building science industry – and a more sustainable world. But our industry is historically guilty of offering training based on boring presentations and lectures. That’s not how people learn. People learn by doing,” he added. For sponsors such as TEC, Game of Homes offers a unique opportunity to get brands and products directly in front of a highly targeted, influential group of professionals who will use and recommend the products. Additionally, sponsorships offer suppliers the chance to gather valuable insights, research and feedback about their products from qualified professionals. EnergyLogic is forming relationships with other sponsoring companies that represent best-in-class products for the home performance industry. Corporate sponsorships enable EnergyLogic to offer Game of Homes at no cost to users. Scenario-based Gaming Develops Critical Thinking Game of Homes helps energy professionals become critical thinkers and make smarter decisions about ways to make homes efficient, safe, healthy and durable. Users are faced with decisions they must make about the home’s systems – from ventilation systems to furnace equipment to insulation materials – that simulate a home’s performance. These scenarios are developed based on real-world situations that experienced professionals have encountered in the field. For example, one situation involves a serious mold condition; another is based on a career-threatening condition in the home of a vocal coach. The game features actual products the pros use, making for a realistic online experience. Game of Homes taps into people’s natural desire for competition, achievement and community status, using leaderboards, achievements and social interaction as techniques to deeply engage players as a community. “Many people are drawn to gaming because of the many instant rewards it offers, and the interaction they get from it,” said Thornberry. “Because they are faced with real-life situations and decisions, and can face these in a safe environment, they will benefit from the game just by working through it. Then they’ll apply what they learned in their own work,” he said. Players can earn achievements through the accumulation of points awarded for correct decisions they make during the interactive scenarios and challenges. In addition, the system tracks points and issues professional development credits for various home energy certifications in the home performance industry. Users sign up for Game of Homes for free at www.playgameofhomes.com. The Game of Homes video is available online. About The Energy Conservatory The Energy Conservatory (TEC), located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is known worldwide as the leader in the building performance testing industry. Since 1981, TEC’s goal has been to provide building professionals with the specialized tools and support needed to create more efficient, affordable and healthy buildings. TEC continues to set the standard for specialized air flow and pressure measuring devices used to monitor and analyze the complex interactions that determine building performance. For more information, visit www.energyconservatory.com. About EnergyLogic EnergyLogic is a building consulting company that provides expert resources, education and support to new home builders and energy raters involved in the construction of high‐performance homes. Its products and services include an energy rating system, rater services, an enterprise software system and training. EnergyLogic also serves as a resource to other organizations that are influential in creating energy efficient housing across America, including industry associations, construction and building professionals, utility companies, government code officials, state energy offices and real estate professionals. More information may be found at www.nrglogic.com. Details about the company’s comprehensive training program is available at energylogicacademy.com. ###